HELLO! I'm JANET RENNER,dedicated Coach helping you get unstuck!

Do you want more from life then what you’re doing now?

Than this is the place to dive in, get inspired and be guided to cut through the crap that keeps getting in your way to achieving your best life.

It’s also the place I share the details of living my best life experiments. Stuff like:

  • this is my dream - oh wait, maybe it’s not

  • this is my problem - well yes, it is and now I'm working through it

  • dang here’s another layer of problems - great I get to discover even more

  • this bugs me & always will - really?

  • I thought it'd be awesome it doesn’t anymore

  • ouch, how am I going to recover - patience and perseverance will pay-off

  • watch out my world ‘cause here I am…unleashed and going for it

This is the place where I share the behind-the-scenes, THE how to stop spinning, get traction and go for it!

You don’t have to get all heavy and sad thinking about your past to ignite your life. I much prefer to use it as the spark for lighting my way. I know how you can shift from a seemingly impossible situations to one that feels possible and is!

Yes, your bad-ass self can rule your life!

I’m here to guide you there, because when your bad-ass self (the essence of your being) is driving your life you'll be free and on your journey with full speed ahead!

I’m here to give your mind, heart and soul the key, complete with tons of the most critical tools & skills you’ll need, to claim your most awesome, best self and use it to live the life you desire!

If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and start living bolder in every realm of your life - including your most vulnerable areas - then sign up for my intro ‘Forget the Stuck Life’. You’ll learn exactly how to gain traction and live abundant in every area of your life!


That’s my motto.  That’s how I choose to live … to dive right in and to go with my flow.  

Yet, I haven’t always lived that way.

In fact, much of my life, I tried to live by the ‘correct’ thing or the ‘expected’ thing, even when I felt that tug in the core of my being telling me otherwise.  It was like trying to swim someone else’s race!

It was like trying to juggle my coach’s directions, my teammate’s cheers, the whistle blowing, the ref’s calls, my voice of fear, my parents’ voices, the foghorn and the crowd’s roar … and then that barely audible voice, in the core of my being, that sounded like someone talking to me under water.  

Who was I to listen to?!  Who was telling the truth?  Who was telling my truth?  And what was my truth anyway?  I didn’t know.  

I didn’t know because I thought others knew better.  I didn’t know because I was afraid of their consequences.  I didn’t know because when I didn’t follow their ideas or their wants or their demands, I got hurt.  I didn’t know because I was afraid.

I was drowning.  

An avid swimmer, an open water adventurer, a Professional Swim Coach … drowning.

Drowning for love.

Drowning to belong.

Drowning to matter.

Drowning to be wanted.

Drowning to be needed.

Drowning to be worth it.

Drowning to be good enough.

I was drained.  Exhausted from fighting.  Emotionally dried up.  Each passing year pulled me further and further to the bottom.  The bottom of all I could take.

I couldn’t live like that anymore.  I couldn’t hold my breath like that anymore.  I couldn’t hold on.  And then, in 2006, something saved me.

I discovered Fearless Living and slowly I learned a new way of living.  A way of living that enabled me to flow with life, through life … in my way … in my lane.  I adopted tools and skills to handle life as it comes and I am no longer fighting, no longer drained and I have what it takes to live by my motto.

I've since enhanced my coaching skills and for almost a decade as an AdvancedCertified Fearless Living Coach and Certified Fearless Trainer, I supply people with skills to support them in navigating rough waters, skills that free them from anything that holds them down, so they can rise to the top of who and all they were meant to be.

You found my site for a reason...  

You don’t have to do this alone.

Today is your first step forward.  Are you ready to test the water? I invite you to schedule a Complimentary Discovery Session with me.

You are worth this conversation.

 Take my hand and let’s do this, because I know you can.  I know you can.