"I've always wanted to swim with confidence but a series of 'oh-crap-I'm-gonna-drown' moments kept that dream at bay until you showed me how to stay calm no matter how rough or deep the water. I no longer have to fight my fear every time I attempted to snorkel or sail or dog paddle. Thank you Janet Renner for helping me heal a wound that has been festering for over 40 years! Today I touched the bottom of the pool. Tomorrow, I just might get scuba certified."-Rhonda Britten, founder Fearless Living Institute.

-Rhonda Britten:Emmy Award-winner, bestselling author of 'Fearless Living,' Founder, Fearless Living Institute

“Wow! Never have I had such an empowering conversation with a rider. That was amazing and so affirming realizing I can distinguish my intuitive hits from the rest of the stuff running around in my head and that is my path to follow.” 

— Anthony, lyft driver

“You are so amazing and gifted with your ability in understanding just what is needed by each person, including myself, in order for me to understand and move forward with greater ease.”

— alicia B.

“My nervousness in meeting my boyfriends parents for the first time is so much less now, plus I understand now how my parents are trying to help me make my best decisions and what is driving their choices for me.” - Nicki, Freshman College Student

— Nicki, Freshman college student


“She gets you. I feel like she can see right to the heart of my being.” 

— kathryn H.


You're a coach that is centered throughout a call.  This is allowing me to feel more balanced on the call.  From the moment the call starts you are able to direct me through the call which is key as you direct me in where I am currently triggered and help me figure out solutions.  At the same time you push me where I sometimes don't feel I want to go, but I need to go to shift myself.  You give homework assignments that are very challenging that help me grow to shift.  If I ever have a question I know I am able to email you or message you and you will help me through whatever the situation.

— sheryl

You're amazing! You are fearless with going deep and touching the heart or core of the issue. You're compassionate and gentle. You are fun and a badass. You inspire. You've helped me to let go of so much that I was carrying around that was not mine or not necessary to carry any longer. You're an amazing coach and a beautiful friend. I trust you. I love you. I aspire to see myself as you do. You are my rock star.

— kelly

What stands out to me about you:

  • your energy and joy
  • how you dig under the surface and shows me things I am not seeing.
  • you help me be fearless in a very simple and accessible way for me.
  • you respect my own trajectory to be fearless.


Janet's compassion and insight allowed me to recognize how I was trying to hold onto and go back to a version of myself. I had to let go of who I was and embrace who I am. Thank you Janet for helping me see the forest through the trees. You played an important role on my journey of learning to love myself and I'm forever grateful!


“Janet, you are a wise and insightful woman and coach.”

- Judy D.